mercredi 25 mai 2016

Surveys on cost of living in Germany:

               During the few days that I spent in Stuttgart I found that the cost of living was rather reasonable, there are has been no big price difference with France. In the food sector the prices have been very correct, indeed I will take the example of Haribo Dragibus candy which cost me € 1.25 the 250g package against € 1.30 in France. However I noticed that chocolate costs quite expensive in Germany compared to France.

               Moreover I also compared the prices of clothes, I can say it costs exactly the same price as in France because I was mainly in big shops of  ready to wear with the same price for the country with the same currency. 
Hence in conclusion I can say that the cost of living in Germany is rather similar to France, It is not really disorienting.
Théo Jordano (1S2)