Here are our various inquiries made during our journey
The German Abitur is the equivalent of the French Baccalaureate. There are some differences between both.
Abitur is obtained at the end of the secondary, higher education and differs according to Landers. For the second cycle, there are no more classes, but "courses”. In Germany, the students choose their subjects for the examination: Grundkurse and Leistungskurse (base and intensive courses), it is necessary to choose at least two advanced courses, among which the one has to be in the choice German, a foreign language or scientific subjects.Certain subjects are, however compulsory as German, mathematics, foreign language or former language, and sport. Full of combinations are possible: English/French, German / former language, math / German, sport / biology, math / biology. These two subjects will be followed 6 hours a week and take place to the written examination and to the oral at the end of last year. In comparison, French high school diploma gets ready in the sixth year of high school with the written examination, the oral of French and the supervised personal works.
Its differences: The French Baccalaureate tends to select the prize-winners in a field (as series ES, S, L, etc.) while Abitur demands her applicants to give evidence of their general qualification in university.
Another big difference lives in the system of evaluation of Abitur, which takes account only written final test; there is no oral and supervised personal works as in France
Renewable energies
Due to the many disasters nuclear, the German government decided to close gradually his nuclear power plants. Therefore the country turned to cleaner energy production like the green energies. This kind of energy refers to the energy which is produced from renewable sources of energy (solar, hydraulic,wind power, geothermal,...) and of quality cogeneration ( when there is a production combined of heat and electricity allowing a higher energy efficiency). So during these last years, Germany considerably increased the number of its onshore wind farms to cover its electricity production (one third of the power production comes from renewable energies).

Also the country produced more than half of its needs in electricity thanks to its capacities of photovoltaic production.Germany was able to set up this system thanks to its good condition of period of sunshine but especially thanks to the policy of incitement and assistant to the consumption regarding photovoltaic panels for private individuals implementation by the government.
Thereby, Germany becomes one of the countries which uses most the renewable energies and the sector of the energy in the country is one of the most important for the world.
As regards the city of Stuttgart, regarding sustainable development, the city reconstructs its station. She wishes to enlarge it and to make a passive station, that is which produces its own energy.
However the important use of its coal-based power plants ( to replace the nuclear energy) is very polluting and comes to tarnish the "clean" image of Germany. One of reason why Germany still uses the fossil energy is because it does not succeed to store all the green energy which it produces.
So the country is one of the biggest transmitter of greenhouse gas of the world and the cost of the electricity is also very high.
German Media
In Germany
In France
Most popular TV channels
*The Second German Television
Most popular TV shows
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Most populars newspapers
Newspapers which got higher distriributions :
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Die Welt
L’ Express
Le Figaro
Le Monde
Social networks (like Facebook, Google, Youtube,etc.) are the most popular websites particularly by the young people in Germany as inFrance.
by AGBOTON Marcélia, GAMA Cédrine, LEOTURE Chloe 1s1