mercredi 25 mai 2016


We work in groups of three to ask questions to people in the city of Stuttgart , we had 3 theme , the media , the electric car and the abitur.

We asked people in Stuttgart about the medias we realized the most popular TV Channel is RTL followed by Pro7 ,on this channels the most popular TV show are DSDS , Germany's next top model ( a lot of women's) , the most popular websites are Facebook and Youtube .We have asked too french people the most popular channel's are TF1 and M6 , the most popular TV show are Koh Lanta and the most popular website is Facebook, we can think RTL is like TF1 in France.
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Our survey is also on the electric car , Stuttgart people think it's as good idea but not operated to the best today, electric station are too rare , he think by 10-20 years it's good for him. Some people are able to use the Tesla car , he think's it's the most trusted brand today.

The last survey is about the abitur and the difference between the '' Baccalaureat'' , some people explain it's a exam with 4 matters ( English , German , Maths and one in choice ), in France there is more matter to validate with coefficient in contrary with the abitur.

Nicolas Forget Arthur Chigot Logan Guilin 1èreS1