The results of our investigations
During our trip in Stuutgart were ask to interviewed local population to find out various informations about three different subject which were:- Hobbies and Stuttgarter's favorite activities
- Sustainable developpement in Gemany
- German scholarship and high studies system
Hobbies and Stuttgarters' favorite activities.
Interviewing people in the streets we learnt that people used to practice different sports: a lot of them told us they love football and several of them told us they actually practice it. Tennis aslo brought out when questionning the population but a lot of people admited practicing a olt of yoga, walking and also an abundance of cyclist. We learnt about the presence of multiple of gyms dispersed all aroud the town.
Stuttgarters seem to be athletic and live a dynamic life.
Beyond the sports, Stuttgarters love to gather with friends and family, going to malls and visit museum or reading books.
One the most heard domain during investigations has been the love of car company. In fact most of Stuttgarter have shown an intense interest for german automobile.
Sustainable developpement
Stuttgart is very involve in sustainable developpement domain which is one of the main goals and concerns of the city. As regards transports, the town turns to green means of transport and public transport like the bus, the subway to favours the ecological and social aspects.
In that ecological goal, Germany welcome more and more electric cars and the opinions of german population are mitigated. Indeed, in one hand the enthousiasm and the support of the project is felt, but, in the other hand interviewed people explained us that part of Germans really loves powerful cars and enjoy the unique sond of a "roaring" engine which they don't have when driving an electric car. The government really wants to democratize these vehicule and offers 4000€ to every electric cars purchaser to induce customers to contribute to the expending developpement of the electric cars production and the progress of the nation.
They also build a lot of infrastructure inorder to developp other renewable energy to create electricity and avoid non-clean energy working with combustion. For exemple wind turbine or solar panels.
To finish, going to Stuttgart you will have the opportunity to see vegetation on the roofs of several buildings.

In spite of the effort made by the governement, Stuttgerters shamefully admit living in a poluted city but we felt that they really want things to change.
German scholarship and high studies system
About the education in Germany, the school is not really similar. In France, we have four years in middle school and then three years in high school, but in Germany, they have eight years in the same school. At the end of the eight years, they have an equivalent of the BAC, and then, to enter in the next school, it is also like in France , you have got to pass an exam or not, it depends of the school where you want to go.
The last difference between the two different education systems is that in Germany, they are three different levels of students class. They are the class of good students , the class of the medium students and the class of the less talented. Whereas in France, the every levels are mixed in the same class.
Zemmouri Thomas; Cannou Nicolas, Hodge Di-Angelo
Zemmouri Thomas; Cannou Nicolas, Hodge Di-Angelo