We interviewed a few people in the street about what they think about the green cars. We learn that they much more prefer hybrid cars, who was invented in 1900 by Ferdinand Porsche like the lady of the museum said, than the electric cars because they think that there is not enough battery life. But some people talk about the Tesla electric car, who for them is the future. Someone have explained to us that the German state subsidises a part of the purchase of a green car and implants a lot of electric refill.
Abipur is a word used in the est-country of Europe like Germany, Finland or again Estony. It’s an examination after 12 years old past in the school. It’s a bit like the baccalaureat in France. In us country, we chose a specialisation in the second year of lycée whereas in Germany, we chose us matiere, like in they high school. But if you are a good french student, you can do the “abibac”. You will do the bac and the abipur in the same time. With this “bac”, you can continu you’r study in the sector of the